Review: Cusano 18 Double Connecticut

Cusano 18

This was going to be one of my normal reviews of a cigar that I have just smoked. However you will notice that this review is very short, the reason, well lets just say I did not get more than half an inch into this cigar before I could not smoke it any further.

It all looked so promising, the wrapper looks excellent, construction is very good, the cigar has only a few veins, the cap construction was good, I was looking forward to this.

Then I lit the cigar, and things went down hill….

I could taste some flavours, but they were all drowned out by a really nasty chemical taste that remained on your palete long after you had exhaled the smoke. I hoped that this would pass and that I could get down to enjoying this cigar, however the chemical taste did not pass, and I quickly decided that I just could not smoke this cigar.

This was my first “dog rocket” (a friend of mine used the term a few weeks ago, I had not heard it before), I am hoping that I just got a bad stick, but until I can try this cigar again (not sure I will bother as there are so many cigars to choose from), then I cannot recommend them, and I cannot score them. This for me is a cigar to avoid.